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Turning up the Volume of MRI Using Metamaterials



Metamaterials are artificially-designed materials with properties that cannot be found in naturally-occurring materials.


We harness the inherent nonlinearity in metamaterials to achieve an intelligent response.


Our metamaterials are compatible with clinical MRI systems and enhance image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).


We have achieved greater than 10-fold improvements in SNR using our wireless, passive metamaterial technology.


Metamaterials and advanced MRI hardware/ software are integrated to achieve synergy and unparalleled performance.


Ultimately, we aim to save time, cost, and improve health and wellbeing throughout the world.





Primetaz, LLC is an early-stage technology company that is changing the way we interact with electromagnetic energy. We use novel materials for medical imaging applications and synergize fundamental science, engineering, and medicine for the development of a metamaterial-enabled platform for enhancing MRI performance.


Our metamaterial-enabled platform was awarded the 2019 IET Innovation Award.

Who we are...

We are a team of doctors, scientists, and engineers from Boston University, pioneering the development of MRI metamaterials and translating this technology for clinical use.

Our founders:


Xin Zhang, PhD

Boston University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Stephan Anderson, MD

Boston University School of Medicine

Department of Radiology



1. G. Duan, X. Zhao, S.W. Anderson, X. Zhang, "Boosting Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signal-to-Noise Ratio Using Magnetic Metamaterials," Communications Physics - Nature, 2019, 2: 35. [DOI][Banner Image]


2. X. Zhao, G. Duan, K. Wu, S.W. Anderson, X. Zhang, "Intelligent Metamaterials Based on Nonlinearity for Magnetic Resonance Imaging," Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(49): 1905461. [DOI][Cover Image]


3. X. Zhao, K. Wu, C. Chen, T.G. Bifano, S.W. Anderson, X. Zhang, "Nonreciprocal Magnetic Coupling Using Nonlinear Meta-Atoms," Advanced Science, 2020, 7(19): 2001443. [DOI][Cover Image]



1. 01/21/20: Magnetics Magazine: BU designs intelligent magnetic metamaterial that boosts MRI scans


2. 01/17/20: Microwaves & RF: Metamaterials boost MRI performance without increased magnetic field


3. 01/01/20: Medical Design Briefs: Magnetic metamaterial could improve MRIs


4. 12/05/19: Physics World: Nonlinear metamaterials improve MR imaging


5. 11/22/19: Times Tech Pharma: Imaging quality will now be drastically enhanced and become cost-effective


6. 11/20/19: Nonlinear metamaterials could revolutionize MRI scanning


7. 11/15/19: IET: Ground breaking innovations steal the show at IET Innovation Awards


8. 11/12/19: HealthImaging: New ‘metamaterial’ can make MRI scans safer and cheaper


9. 11/07/19: Futurity: $10 ‘intelligent’ material could make MRI faster


10. 11/06/19: Medgadget: MRI metamaterials drastically enhance imaging quality


11. 11/05/19: Medical News: 'Intelligent' metamaterial could make MRI faster, safer, and more accessible


12. 09/20/19: NIH: Metamaterial markedly boosts MRI performance


13. 06/12/19: Innovation Toronto: A new metamaterial that improves MRI quality and cut scan time in half


14. 06/10/19: Science Daily: New metamaterial can improve MRI quality and reduce scan time


15. 06/10/19: EurekAlert!: New metamaterial that can improve MRI quality and reduce scan time


16. 06/06/19: Pioneering Minds: Magnetic metamaterial provides higher-resolution MRI images


17. 06/06/19: New Atlas: Magnetic metamaterial amplifies MRI for clearer images in less time


18. 06/04/19: Lo Ultimo: New metamaterial reduces MRI time and improves image resolution images


19. 06/04/19: AIMBE: How magnetic metamaterial improves MRI

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8 Saint Mary's Street

Boston, MA 02215


© 2022 by Primetaz, LLC.

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